(function () { if (!window.cet || !window.cet.microservices || !window.cet.microservices.apiready) { window.cet = window.cet || {}; cet.microservices = cet.microservices || {}; let apiready = new Promise(function (resolve, reject) { var scriptElement = document.createElement("script"); scriptElement.addEventListener('load', resolve); scriptElement.addEventListener('error', reject); var origin = document.currentScript.src.split('/', 3).join('/'); scriptElement.src = origin + "/provider/ApiProvider.js?8dd24ce9cdbec80"; document.head.appendChild(scriptElement); }); cet.microservices.apiready = apiready; } let selfUrl = document.currentScript.src; cet.microservices.apiready.then(() => { cet.microservices.api.system.addService(selfUrl); }); })(); // define the namespaces if (!window.cet) { window.cet = {}; } if (!window.cet.microservices) { window.cet.microservices = {}; } if (!window.cet.microservices.bigData) { window.cet.microservices.bigData = (() => { const rawEventSchema = { "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", "title": "The Root Schema", "description": "The CET event schema", "definitions": {}, "$id": "http://example.com/root.json", "$comment": "for properties where the original event sent by client has a different type, add originalObjectSchema.type", "type": "object", "properties": { "id": { "title": "The Id Schema", "$id": "#/properties/id", "type": "string", "pattern": "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$" }, "version": { "title": "The Version Schema", "$id": "#/properties/version", "type": "string", "minLength": 1 }, "user_id": { "title": "The User_id Schema", "$id": "#/properties/user_id", "type": "string", "minLength": 1, "pattern": "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$" }, "verb": { "title": "The Verb Schema", "$id": "#/properties/verb", "type": "string", "enum": [ "selected", "asked_next", "swipe", "rated", "added", "additional_exercise", "answered", "asked", "asked_assistance_alternative", "asked_check", "asked_generate", "asked_open_assistance", "asked_show_answer", "asked_showHint", "cleared", "commented", "didnt_understand", "exited", "experienced_paused", "experienced_played", "experienced_stopped", "launched", "loaded", "logged_in", "logged_out", "peeked", "personalized", "pressed", "removed", "resumed", "screened", "set", "shared", "show_grade", "sso", "submitted", "suspended", "tagged", "understand", "unpeeked", "unshared", "updated", "voided", "completed" ] }, "object_id": { "title": "The Object_id Schema", "$id": "#/properties/object_id", "type": "string", "minLength": 1 }, "object_name": { "title": "The Object_name Schema", "$id": "#/properties/object_name", "type": "string", "minLength": 1 }, "object_type": { "title": "The Object_type Schema", "$id": "#/properties/object_type", "type": "string", "enum": [ "school", "cmi.interaction", "media", "inputControl", "link", "lo", "page", "webpage", "forum-topic", "forum-reply", "forum", "course", "book", "user", "slide", "statementRef", "audio", "mark", "online_meeting", "task", "favorite", "api", "note", "role" ] }, "registration": { "title": "The Registration Schema", "$id": "#/properties/registration", "type": "string", "pattern": "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$" }, "content_language": { "title": "The Content_language Schema", "$id": "#/properties/content_language", "type": "string", "minLength": 1 }, "index": { "title": "The Index Schema", "$id": "#/properties/index", "type": "integer", "minimum": 0.0, "maximum": 9.223372036854776E+18 }, "client_user_agent": { "title": "The Client_user_agent Schema", "$id": "#/properties/client_user_agent", "type": "string" }, "client_ip": { "title": "The Client_ip Schema", "$id": "#/properties/client_ip", "type": "string", "format": "ipv4" }, "product": { "title": "The Product Schema", "$id": "#/properties/product", "type": "string", "minLength": 1 }, "context_referrer": { "title": "The Context_referrer Schema", "$id": "#/properties/context_referrer", "anyOf": [ { "type": "string", "format": "uri" }, { "type": "string", "maxLength": 0 } ] }, "user_role": { "title": "The User_role Schema", "$id": "#/properties/user_role", "type": "string", "enum": [ "admin", "other", "student", "teacher", "coordinator", "guest", "unknown" ] }, "timestamp": { "title": "The Timestamp Schema", "$id": "#/properties/timestamp", "type": "string", "format": "date-time" }, "timestamp_long": { "title": "The Timestamp_long Schema", "$id": "#/properties/timestamp_long", "type": "integer", "minimum": 0.0, "maximum": 9.223372036854776E+18 }, "interaction_type": { "title": "The Interaction_type Schema", "$id": "#/properties/interaction_type", "type": "string" }, "object_fields_type": { "title": "The Object_fields_type Schema", "$id": "#/properties/object_fields_type", "originalObjectSchema": { "type": "object" }, "type": "object" }, "object_fields_graded": { "title": "The Object_fields_graded Schema", "$id": "#/properties/object_fields_graded", "originalObjectSchema": { "type": "object" }, "type": "object" }, "object_link": { "title": "The Object_link Schema", "$id": "#/properties/object_link", "type": "string" }, "object_current_time": { "title": "The Object_current_time Schema", "$id": "#/properties/object_current_time", "type": "string" }, "object_additional_information": { "title": "The Object_additional_information Schema", "$id": "#/properties/object_additional_information", "originalObjectSchema": { "type": "object" }, "type": "object" }, "attachments": { "title": "The attachments Schema", "$id": "#/properties/attachments", "originalObjectSchema": { "type": "object" }, "type": "object" }, "task_id": { "title": "The task_id Schema", "$id": "#/properties/task_id", "type": "string", "pattern": "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$" }, "task_published_date": { "title": "The task_published_date Schema", "$id": "#/properties/task_published_date", "type": "string", "format": "date-time" }, "task_type": { "title": "The task_type Schema", "$id": "#/properties/task_type", "type": "string" }, "group_id": { "title": "The group_id Schema", "$id": "#/properties/group_id", "type": "string", "pattern": "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$" }, "environment_id": { "title": "The environment_id Schema", "$id": "#/properties/environment_id", "type": "string", "pattern": "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$" }, "audience_id": { "title": "The audience_id Schema", "$id": "#/properties/audience_id", "type": "string", "pattern": "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$" }, "school_id": { "title": "The school_id Schema", "$id": "#/properties/school_id", "type": "string", "pattern": "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$" }, "lo_id": { "title": "The lo_id Schema", "$id": "#/properties/lo_id", "type": "string", "pattern": "^[0-9a-fA-F]{24}$|^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$" }, "lo_major": { "title": "The lo_major Schema", "$id": "#/properties/lo_major", "type": "string" }, "lo_minor": { "title": "The lo_minor Schema", "$id": "#/properties/lo_minor", "type": "string" }, "content_grouping_id": { "title": "The content_grouping_id Schema", "$id": "#/properties/content_grouping_id", "type": "string", "pattern": "^([0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12})|([0-9]+)$" }, "content_parent_id": { "title": "The content_parent_id Schema", "$id": "#/properties/content_parent_id", "type": "string", "pattern": "^[0-9a-fA-F]{8}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{4}-[0-9a-fA-F]{12}$" }, "page_id": { "title": "The page_id Schema", "$id": "#/properties/page_id", "type": "string" }, "question_id": { "title": "The question_id Schema", "$id": "#/properties/question_id", "type": "string" }, "session_id": { "title": "The session_id Schema", "$id": "#/properties/session_id", "type": "string" }, "content_age_group": { "title": "The content_age_group Schema", "$id": "#/properties/content_age_group", "type": "string" }, "content_subject": { "title": "The content_subject Schema", "$id": "#/properties/content_subject", "type": "string" }, "context_additional_information": { "title": "The context_additional_information Schema", "$id": "#/properties/context_additional_information", "originalObjectSchema": { "type": "object" }, "type": "object" }, "current_hyperlink": { "title": "The current_hyperlink Schema", "$id": "#/properties/current_hyperlink", "type": "string", "format": "uri" }, "adaptive_engine": { "title": "The adaptive_engine Schema", "$id": "#/properties/adaptive_engine", "type": "string" }, "response": { "title": "The response Schema", "$id": "#/properties/response", "type": "string" }, "score_scaled": { "title": "The score_scaled Schema", "$id": "#/properties/score_scaled", "type": "number", "minimum": 0.0, "maximum": 100.0 }, "score_raw": { "title": "The score_raw Schema", "$id": "#/properties/score_raw", "type": "number", "minimum": 0.0, "maximum": 100.0 }, "score_max": { "title": "The score_max Schema", "$id": "#/properties/score_max", "type": "number", "minimum": 0.0, "maximum": 100.0 }, "success": { "title": "The success Schema", "$id": "#/properties/success", "type": "boolean" }, "completion": { "title": "The completion Schema", "$id": "#/properties/completion", "type": "boolean" }, "fields_response": { "title": "The fields_response Schema", "$id": "#/properties/fields_response", "originalObjectSchema": { "type": "object" }, "type": "object" }, "fields_score": { "title": "The fields_score Schema", "$id": "#/properties/fields_score", "originalObjectSchema": { "type": "object" }, "type": "object" }, "geogebra": { "title": "The geogebra Schema", "$id": "#/properties/geogebra", "originalObjectSchema": { "type": "object" }, "type": "object" }, "result_additional_information": { "title": "The result_additional_information Schema", "$id": "#/properties/result_additional_information", "originalObjectSchema": { "type": "object" }, "type": "object" } }, "required": [ "user_id", "verb", "object_id", "object_name", "object_type", "product", "context_referrer", "user_role" ] }; // rawEventSchema inserted by server const schemaDescription = { "version": "1.0", "jsonProperties": [ "object_fields_type", "object_fields_graded", "object_additional_information", "attachments", "context_additional_information", "fields_response", "fields_score", "geogebra", "result_additional_information" ] }; // schemaDescription inserted by server const fieldsSizeLimit = { "id":50, "timestamp":50, "version":50, "user_id":50, "verb":50, "object_id":2000, "object_name":2000, "object_type":50, "interaction_type":50, "object_fields_type":10000, "object_fields_graded":10000, "object_link":2000, "object_current_time":50, "object_additional_information":10000, "registration":50, "task_id":50, "task_published_date":50, "task_type":50, "group_id":50, "environment_id":50, "audience_id":50, "school_id":50, "lo_id":50, "lo_major":10, "lo_minor":10, "content_language":10, "content_grouping_id":50, "content_parent_id":50, "page_id":50, "question_id":100, "session_id":50, "client_user_agent":500, "client_ip":50, "content_age_group":50, "content_subject":100, "product":50, "context_referrer":2000, "user_role":50, "context_additional_information":10000, "current_hyperlink":2000, "response":10000, "fields_response":10000, "fields_score":10000, "geogebra":10000, "result_additional_information":10000, "adaptive_engine":50 }; // fieldsSizeLimit inserted by server const disableAllEvents = false; // disableAllEvents inserted by server const settings = { apiUrl: "/bigdataapi/", //validatorUrl: "/bigdataapi/resources/ValidateJson.js", // for debug validatorUrl: "/bigdataapi/resources/ValidateJson.min.js", rateLimit: { maxParallelConnections: 6 // we use keep-alive which raises a limit 0f 6 parallel connections in most browsers }, ignoreUserAgents: [["YandexBot/3.0","http://yandex.com/bots"],["Googlebot/2.1","http://www.google.com/bot.html"],["AdsBot-Google-Mobile","http://www.google.com/mobile/adsbot.html"],["SemrushBot/6~bl","http://www.semrush.com/bot.html"],["AhrefsBot/6.1","http://ahrefs.com/robot/"],["YandexMobileBot/3.0","http://yandex.com/bots"],["AdsBot-Google","http://www.google.com/adsbot.html"]], // list is inserted by server errors: { timeoutForLog: 1000 // log blocked events after timeoutForLog ms of idle time after failure or success. } }; const generateUUID = function () { var d = new Date().getTime(); if (window.performance && typeof window.performance.now === "function") { d += performance.now(); //use high-precision timer if available } var uuid = 'xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'.replace(/[xy]/g, function (c) { var r = (d + Math.random() * 16) % 16 | 0; d = Math.floor(d / 16); return (c === 'x' ? r : r & 0x3 | 0x8).toString(16); }); return uuid; }; var registrationId = generateUUID(); const getServerTime = function (index) { return cet.microservices.apiready.then(() => { var url = settings.apiUrl + "Time/GetServerTime?registration=" + registrationId; if (index != null && index != undefined) url += "&index=" + index; return window.cet.microservices.api.get(url, { responseFormat: window.cet.microservices.api.responseFormat.text }).then(milisecondsStr => { //Calculate timestamp difference var miliseconds = parseInt(milisecondsStr); var clientTime = new Date(); var serverTime = new Date(miliseconds); settings.clientTime = clientTime; settings.serverTime = serverTime; settings.timeDelta = clientTime - serverTime; }); }); } var timeReady = getServerTime(); // small closure to track and fix client clock changes var clientTimeControl = (function () { const TestInterval = 1000; const ForbiddenTimeSpan = 10000; var lastTickTime; var timer; var gapHandler; const verifyTime = function () { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { lastTickTime = new Date(); timer = setTimeout(() => { ensureValidTime(new Date()); resolve(); }, TestInterval); }); } const verifyTimeRecursively = function () { // the promise returned is never resolved. return new Promise(resolve => { verifyTime().then(() => { return verifyTimeRecursively() }); }); } const start = function (onGap) { gapHandler = onGap; return verifyTimeRecursively(); } const pause = function () { clearTimeout(timer); } const restart = function () { clearTimeout(timer); verifyTimeRecursively(); } const ensureValidTime = function (time) { // if time was changed since last tick, fix timeDelta and restart timer. //console.debug('ensureValidTime: ', time > lastTickTime && time - lastTickTime < ForbiddenTimeSpan); if (time < lastTickTime || (time - lastTickTime) > ForbiddenTimeSpan) { pause(); gapHandler(time - lastTickTime - TestInterval); // take always the full interval to avoid events disordering restart(); } } return { start, ensureValidTime }; })(); const fixTimeDelta = function (timeGap) { //console.debug('found time gap of ' + timeGap + '. resetting time...'); timeReady = getServerTime(); } timeReady.then(clientTimeControl.start.bind(this, fixTimeDelta), () => { }); //var scriptElement = document.createElement("script"); //scriptElement.src = "https://api.ipify.org?format=jsonp&callback=getIP"; //document.head.appendChild(scriptElement); //// set callback // window.getIP = function(json) { // settings.ip = json.ip; //} // load event validator script. if failed - don't fail the promise, pass success as parameter to resolver. var validatorLoaded = cet.microservices.apiready.then(() => cetms.loadApi(settings.validatorUrl).then(() => true, () => false)); // the validator does not follow the json.schema standard... see https://github.com/kriszyp/json-schema/issues/38 const fixSchemaForValidator = function (schema) { // 'required' is a list in parent, but the validator expects a boolean in the property. if (schema.required) { for (var i = 0; i < schema.required.length; i++) { schema.properties[schema.required[i]].required = true; } } return schema; } var finalSchema = fixSchemaForValidator(rawEventSchema); const validateEvent = function (event, schema) { // first clean json of 'undefined' (not standard json) for (var name in event) { if (event.hasOwnProperty(name)) { if (event[name] === undefined) delete event[name]; } } // validate var validationResult = jsonSchema.validate(event, schema); if (validationResult.valid) { return { valid: true }; } else { // concatenate errors var errors = validationResult.errors; var messages = []; for (var i = 0; i < errors.length; i++) { var err = errors[i]; // build value up to 100 chars var val = ""; try { val = String(event[err.property]); if (val.length > 100) { val = val.substr(0, 100) + "..."; } } catch { } messages.push("Error in " + err.property + " {" + String(val) + "}: " + err.message); } return { valid: false, message: messages.join("\n") // TODO: separator }; } } // construct enums from schema const generateEnum = function (property, schema) { var list = schema.properties[property].enum; if (!list) return {}; var enumObj = {}; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var val = list[i]; enumObj[val.replace(/[\.-]/g, '_')] = val; } return enumObj; } const applySizeLimit = function (event, fieldsSizeLimit) { for (var key in event) { if (fieldsSizeLimit[key] > 0) if (event[key] && event[key].length > fieldsSizeLimit[key]) event[key] = event[key].substr(0, fieldsSizeLimit[key]); } } const enums = { verbs: generateEnum("verb", finalSchema), objectTypes: generateEnum("object_type", finalSchema), userRoles: generateEnum("user_role", finalSchema) }; window.bde = window.bde || enums; const messages = (() => { var registrationCurrentIndex = -1; // index for registration var nextIndex = function () { registrationCurrentIndex++; return registrationCurrentIndex; }; const validateUserAgent = function (userAgent) { for (var i = 0; i < settings.ignoreUserAgents.length; i++) { var testAgent = settings.ignoreUserAgents[i]; if (userAgent.indexOf(testAgent[0]) >= 0 || userAgent.indexOf(testAgent[1]) >= 0) return false; } return true; } const validUserAgent = validateUserAgent(navigator.userAgent); var connectionPool = new ConnectionPool(settings.rateLimit.maxParallelConnections); var errorLogger = new ErrorLogger(settings.errors.timeoutForLog, settings.apiUrl + "Diagnostics/EventErrors?registration=" + registrationId); let wordsMeet = /([^^])([A-Z])/g; // search uppercase char after any character not in the beginning of text, capture both (Safari iOS does not support look behind) const camelCaseTOLowdashSeparated = function(camelCase) { if (!camelCase) return camelCase; return camelCase.replace(wordsMeet, "$1_$2").toLowerCase(); } // the main function const sendCetEvent = (table, verb, objectId, objectName, objectType, product, contextReferrer, userRole, userId, optionalData) => { if (disableAllEvents) return Promise.resolve(); if (!validUserAgent) return Promise.resolve(); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { optionalData = optionalData || {}; // 1. prepare rawEvent (client data wrapped with final property names) var baseEvent = { verb, objectId, objectName, objectType, product, contextReferrer, userRole, userId }; var rawEvent = {}; for (var key in baseEvent) rawEvent[camelCaseTOLowdashSeparated(key)] = baseEvent[key]; for (key in optionalData) rawEvent[camelCaseTOLowdashSeparated(key)] = optionalData[key]; // 2. validate // wait for validator script to load, but if failed - skip validation. validatorLoaded.then(validatorReady => { if (validatorReady) { var validationResult = validateEvent(rawEvent, finalSchema); // if invalid, throw an error and reject this promise if (!validationResult.valid) { var err = new BigDataError(validationResult.message, "ValidationError"); errorLogger.queueBlockedEventForLog(err, table, registrationId, registrationCurrentIndex, (optionalData || {}).sessionId, userId, verb, product, contextReferrer, objectType, objectId, objectName); reject(err); return; } } // 2* webclient only: test rate limit var connectionAvailable = connectionPool.captureConnection(); if (!connectionAvailable) { // rejected. add to next log var err = new BigDataError("Cannot send more than " + settings.rateLimit.maxParallelConnections + " parallel events.", "RateLimitError"); errorLogger.queueBlockedEventForLog(err, table, registrationId, registrationCurrentIndex, (optionalData || {}).sessionId, userId, verb, product, contextReferrer); reject(err); return; } // Now the event is valid. set its unique index. var newIndex = nextIndex(); // 2** webclient only: validate client time timeReady = timeReady.then(() => { // check client time and fix timeDelta if changed. clientTimeControl.ensureValidTime(new Date()); return Promise.resolve(); }, (ex) => { // previous getServerTime failed. retry getServerTime now return getServerTime(newIndex).then(() => { clientTimeControl.start(fixTimeDelta); return Promise.resolve(); }); }); try { // 3. stringify json properties var cetEvent = rawEvent; var jsonProps = schemaDescription.jsonProperties; for (var i = 0; i < jsonProps.length; i++) { if (cetEvent[jsonProps[i]] != undefined) cetEvent[jsonProps[i]] = JSON.stringify(cetEvent[jsonProps[i]]); } // 4. add system properties cetEvent.id = generateUUID(); cetEvent.version = schemaDescription.version; cetEvent.client_user_agent = navigator.userAgent; //cetEvent.client_ip = settings.ip; cetEvent.registration = registrationId; cetEvent.index = newIndex; applySizeLimit(cetEvent, fieldsSizeLimit); return timeReady.then(() => { try { var clientTimestamp = new Date(); var timestamp = new Date(clientTimestamp.valueOf()); timestamp.setMilliseconds(timestamp.getMilliseconds() - settings.timeDelta); cetEvent.timestamp = timestamp.toISOString(); cetEvent.timestamp_long = timestamp.getTime(); //console.debug('updated time: ', cetEvent.timestamp); var timelog = clientTimestamp.toISOString().replace("T", "_").replace(/:/g, "-"); // readable with no need for escaping // 5. wrap the event var eventsData = { partition: userId.toLowerCase(), table: table, events: [ cetEvent ] }; // 6. send var url = settings.apiUrl + "Events/SendEvent?registration=" + registrationId + "&index=" + cetEvent.index + "&time=" + timelog; var sendEventSettings = { keepAlive: true, contentType: cetms.contentType.text }; cetms.post(url, JSON.stringify(eventsData), sendEventSettings).then((result) => { console.log(result); resolve({ id: cetEvent.id, index: cetEvent.index }); errorLogger.logErrorsWhenIdle(); }).catch(ex => { // catches errors in post promise console.error(ex); var err = new BigDataError("bigdata.SendCetEvent failed. " + ex.message, ex.name || "SendEventError", ex.stack) errorLogger.queueFailedEventForLog(err, table, cetEvent); reject(err); }) .finally(() => { connectionPool.releaseConnection(); }); } catch (ex) { // catches errors in preparing to post console.error(ex); connectionPool.releaseConnection(); var err = new BigDataError("bigdata.SendCetEvent failed. " + ex.message, ex.name || "SendEventError", ex.stack) errorLogger.queueFailedEventForLog(err, table, cetEvent); reject(err); } }).catch(ex => { // catches errors in GetServerTime (timeReady promise). no need to log. console.error(ex); connectionPool.releaseConnection(); reject(new BigDataError("bigdata.SendCetEvent could not get server time.", "StartupError")); }); } catch (ex) { // catches errors in preparing the event data console.error(ex); connectionPool.releaseConnection(); var err = new BigDataError("bigdata.SendCetEvent failed. " + ex.message, "SendEventError", ex.stack) errorLogger.queueFailedEventForLog(err, table, cetEvent); reject(err); } }); }); }; const sendLearningEvent = (verb, objectId, objectName, objectType, product, contextReferrer, userRole, userId, optionalData) => { return sendCetEvent("Learning", verb, objectId, objectName, objectType, product, contextReferrer, userRole, userId, optionalData); }; const sendUiUsageEvent = (verb, objectId, objectName, objectType, product, contextReferrer, userRole, userId, optionalData) => { return sendCetEvent("UIUsage", verb, objectId, objectName, objectType, product, contextReferrer, userRole, userId, optionalData); }; const getProviderInfo = () => { return { registrationId: registrationId }; }; // rate limit objects //==================== /** * Tool to limit open connections (or any pool) * @param {any} maxParallelConnections the number of connections in the pool */ function ConnectionPool(maxParallelConnections) { this.availableConnections = maxParallelConnections; } /** * take a connection if available */ ConnectionPool.prototype.captureConnection = function () { //console.debug("connections available: " + this.availableConnections); if (this.availableConnections > 0) { this.availableConnections--; return true; } return false; } /** * return connection to pool */ ConnectionPool.prototype.releaseConnection = function () { this.availableConnections++; } /** * Error logging. Sends log of events rejected (before sending, for validation or rate-limit) or failed. * @param {any} timeoutForLog time to wait after failure or success before logging errors * @param {any} urlForLog end point to log the errors */ function ErrorLogger(timeoutForLog, urlForLog) { this.timeoutForLog = timeoutForLog; this.urlForLog = urlForLog; this.queuedErrors = []; this.loggingErrors = false; // flag: log is on the way, do not send new logs. this.errorsLogTimeout = null; } /** * add rejected event to next log. */ ErrorLogger.prototype.queueBlockedEventForLog = function (error, table, registration, lastIndex, sessionId, userId, verb, product, contextReferrer, objectType, objectId, objectName) { this.queuedErrors.push({ error: error, event: { table, registration, lastIndex, clientTime: new Date().toISOString(), sessionId, userId, verb, product, contextReferrer, objectType, objectId, objectName, userAgent: navigator.userAgent } }); this.logErrorsWhenIdle(); } /** * add failed event to next log. */ ErrorLogger.prototype.queueFailedEventForLog = function (error, table, cetEvent) { this.queuedErrors.push({ error: { name: error.name, message: error.message, stack: error.innerStack || error.stack }, event: { table: table, registration: cetEvent.registration, index: cetEvent.index, timestamp: cetEvent.timestamp, session_id: cetEvent.session_id, user_id: cetEvent.user_id, verb: cetEvent.verb, product: cetEvent.product, context_referrer: cetEvent.context_referrer, client_user_agent: cetEvent.client_user_agent } }); this.logErrorsWhenIdle(); } /** * send queued blocked events to log when there is a pause of timeoutForLog in coming events (use on success or failure) */ ErrorLogger.prototype.logErrorsWhenIdle = function () { if (this.errorsLogTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.errorsLogTimeout); this.ErrosLogTimeout = null; } this.ErrosLogTimeout = setTimeout(this.logErrors.bind(this), this.timeoutForLog); } /** * send queued blocked events to log now. */ ErrorLogger.prototype.logErrors = function () { // this function is called after sendEvent success or on timeout set on rateLimit violation. //console.debug("blocked events length: " + this.queuedErrors.length + ", loggingErrors: " + this.loggingErrors); if (this.loggingErrors || this.queuedErrors.length == 0) return Promise.resolve(); // clear timeout this.loggingErrors = true; if (this.errorsLogTimeout) { clearTimeout(this.errorsLogTimeout); this.errorsLogTimeout = null; } // copy te list and clear var errorsToSend = this.queuedErrors.slice(); // copy this.queuedErrors = []; // clear list // log return cetms.post(this.urlForLog, errorsToSend, { responseFormat: window.cet.microservices.api.responseFormat.EMPTY }) .catch(() => { // restore queuedErrors list, preserve newly added events this.queuedErrors = errorsToSend.concat(this.queuedErrors); // reset timeout this.logErrorsWhenIdle(); }) .finally(() => { this.loggingErrors = false; }); } //=========================================== // bigData.messages object: return public api. return { sendLearningEvent, sendUiUsageEvent, getProviderInfo }; })(); // bigData object: return public api. return { messages, enums }; })(); } // bigdata custom error function BigDataError(message, name, innerStack) { Error.call(this, message); this.name = name || "BigDataError"; this.message = message; if (innerStack) this.innerStack = innerStack; // skip in stack trace if (Error.captureStackTrace) { Error.captureStackTrace(this, BigDataError); } } BigDataError.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype); BigDataError.constructor = BigDataError;